Melissa and Dennis Featured in the Limelight | Marriott Sandkey | Clearwater Fl Wedding Photography

Melissa and Dennis along with friends and family travelled down for a special wedding and ceremony. They wanted to enjoy each other, the beach and the weather all together not to mention a CEREMONY. A theme for the wedding was butterflies slightly incorporated.

Every wedding has striking moments. Some wedding moments I will never forget where there are a group of singers singing in a very acoustic friendly building as father/daughter walked down a very long aisle (I was weeping almost and trying photograph the moment), a brother stepping in for a lost but never forgotten father for the father daughter dance, and the list goes on... and then there was this. Melissa had butterflies integrated throughout the ceremony down to her earrings. They handed out envelopes to open at certain time during the ceremony to signify life loved and loved lost. Out of all the butterflies released, one came back and settled on her. She choked up after a moment realizing this, this was the moment right before. She wanted her aunt to be recognized in this, the one she was thinking of during the release. Such a beautiful moment, I really REALLY LOVE this!!!! Here are some moments from that day including the butterfly release. A lovely day for this destination wedding, full happiness, love, thoughtfulness and LOVE.

Lead Photographer | Audrey Clifford
Associate Photographer | Tara Zimmerman